Flexi Cap funds invest at least 65% of their scheme assets in equity and equity-linked instruments. The interesting part is that Flexi Cap Funds invest in stocks across market capitalization. Before you think of choosing the best Flexi Cap fund, here are a few points that you should keep in mind: Flexi Cap Funds help you diversify your portfolio across Large, Mid and Small cap stocks. Fund managers may select the allocation of funds and switch across varying sectors and companies, based on their view. If a fund manager believes that a specific sector/market cap/stock is no longer attractive, then he/she can rejig the portfolio to any other sector/market cap/stock that has potential. You should have an investment time horizon of at least more than three years while investing in Flexi Cap Funds. Your gains from Flexi Cap Funds will be taxed just like other equity oriented funds . Short term capital gains arising from investments redeemed before o...